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Everyday Information

What to know, so you're in the know!

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Snacks and Lunch

Meals are served family style at TCC, with children serving themselves to practice self-help skills. Meals are a social time, and children are encouraged to chat about their day with peers and teachers. Milk and water are provided.


Snacks are served twice daily: around 9 am and 3 pm, and are provided by TCC.


Families have a daily choice of either bringing a packed lunch from home or signing up for our school lunch program. School lunches are prepared and delivered by Burlington School Food Project.

The Burlington School Food Project is a Farm to School program that connects students and their families with whole, fresh, and local foods to improve student learning and the health of our community.

School Calendar

School Year Schedule & Hours

8 am-4:30 pm

We generally open the day after Labor Day and end our year in early June. We are closed for the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day.  There are no other week long breaks during the school year.


Summer Program Schedule & Hours

8 am-4:30pm

We have limited openings for our summer program, which begins two weeks after the end of our yearly program and runs for 8 weeks.

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